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New Chatterbox. Level 4. beginners, elementary
New Chatterbox. Level 4. beginners, elementaryАвторы: Strange D, Holderness J.
Издательство: Оксфорд
Год издания: 2006
Страниц: 100
Язык: английский
Формат: MP3
Размер: 142 Мб
Chatterbox is a 4-part beginners and elementary course for children learning English in primary schools. Chatterbox makes learning easy with an exating serial story. It follows a carefully graded syllabus which allows for recycling of language.
A complete comic-strip adventure story runs through each book, featuring ace detective Captain Shadow. This provides a memorable context for new language and maintains motivation.
It involves children in a variety of other fun activities, such as songs, rhymes, games, and puzzles, which are all used to practise language in an enjoyable way.
It gives children a thorough grounding in listening, speaking, reading and writing
Pupil's Book
15 units which present and review new words, grammar structures, and functions in clear contexts a complete comic-strip adventure story running throughout the book songs, rhymes, games, and puzzles.
Activity book
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